Beneath Words (defined)

At birth an infant has no words yet this infant exists beneath words interacting with all other presences in its surroundings some of which are “humans” superposing their words on this infant. 

To get beneath words we will first explore a few simple concepts.

Lets start by watching this short sequence of a mouse outsmarting a cat.

It appears as if a mouse is outsmarting a cat to get away.

Is that really what is happening?

Mice don’t plan out their next moves or put together drawn out routes of escape. When they are afraid they act instinctively.

Their bodies freezes when scared, they run if they see a possible safe space in their line of sight.

What assumptions do we make when we project words onto this event?

How would we sense this event if we did not have words?

What is real?

The infant has no words. The cat has no words. The mouse has no words.

So what is really going on?

Words inform your thinking. How you think about what is happening makes a difference.

If you think that the world is flat and it is round then your thinking is wrongminded.

If you think that everything is descibed by words than your thinking is wrongminded because what is going on between the cat, the mouse and the baby is more rich and complex than can be described.

You can also make mistakes my using words that are not perfectly accurate -- do not accurately describe what is happening.

What is really happening?

The mouse, the cat, the baby are all interacting.

More specifically a presence (something of substance called a mouse) is interacting a presence (something of substance called a cat).

By going beneath words we are going to learn how to go beyond our preconceptions and see into the true nature of reality.

To start, listen to this sound.

(If you don't hear anything when you click or hover over the image check to see if your devise is on silent)

We give (superpose upon) this sound the symbol: C#

We give (superpose upon) this sound the word: C Sharp

We give (superpose upon) this sound the image:

C Sharp





C Sharp


These are not the vibration itself.




When you hear the spoken word C-Sharp what you hear is the vibration of the sensation of the spoken word C-Sharp.

The Word C-Sharp

The Vibration

When you see the symbol C# or the image  what you see is the vibration of the sensation of the these marks. When you are seeing the written mark you are seeing the marked word not sensing the vibration that lies beneath the symbol C-Sharp or the image.

C Sharp





The Vibration

Now listen to D

We can use different words symbols or images to represent the same underlying vibrations. As is the case with different languages in the examples below:







When we say play a C# and D flat together, we are referring to an interaction that goes much deeper than the words symbols and images can hold metaphorically.


C# & D


Now lets say this represents all possible sounds.

And here we see our C#, D and F:

They don’t represent all of the sounds, but they go really well together so we will add them to our piano.

They don’t represent all of the sounds, but they go really well together so we will add them to our piano.




Words are like these notes. They represent parts of the infinate whole.




Each word represent something of substance (a presence) that lies beneath it.


House Cat


Mickey Mouse
Gray Mouse
Lab Mouse



But they do not represent all concepts, nuances, and experiences of a presence. 




When we make the sentence:
Susan watches cat chasing mouse.

We are only referencing the underlying  vibrational reality of which Susan is a part.

Only using words symbols and images to reference the underlying vibrational reality we create a selection bias.

Lets take these lines for example:

Do you see all three lines?

You probably do now.

The mind naturally sees this shape as two lines weaving back and forth, but some times our assumptions can be wrong. Using the word “lines’ in the quesition also created a bias for what you were looking for.

Imagine if I had asked if you could see 3 shapes instead of three lines. What would you have looked for in this image?

Our words, our symbols and our images equate to linguistic lenses through which we view reality and formulate our expectations based upon these views.  Today, we have research institutions, foreign and U.S. monetary policies, philosophies, theologies and even casual conversations by which we humans express our own views and formulate our own expectations — views and formulations that only reference the surface level of words, symbols and images rather than understanding what reality actually lies beneath our words, our symbols and our images.  This is what we call “Humanity’s Wrong Turn”.

Beneath Words – What Lies There
Beneath Words – Sounds Marks Vibrations
Beneath Words – A Baby is Born
Beneath Words – A new kind of thinking
Beneath Words – More to the Point
Beneath Words – Humanities Wrong Turn – Revisited
Beneath Words – The Journey
Beneath Words – Vibration
Beneath Words – Simulating What Lies Beneath
Beneath Words – The Journey Continues
Beneath Words – The Journey with Appendix
Beneath Words – Life Is Vibration _ Vibration Is Life

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We can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
~ Albert Einstein

The Center for Vibrational Studies is a publishing company dedicated to advancing a coherent model of existence; that is one in line with the fundamental nature of a vibrating reality.

For a more detailed an nuanced inquiry: